Lists and Tuples

Lists and Tuples

Python Lists are containers to store a set of values of any data type.

friends = [‘Apple’, ‘Akash’, ‘Rohan’, 7False]


The list can contain different types of elements such as int, float, string, Boolean, etc. Above list is a collection of different types of elements.

List Indexing

A list can be index just like a string.

L1 = [79, ‘alok’]


L1[0] – 7


L1[1] – 9


L1[70] – Error


L1[0:2] – [7,9]         (This is known as List Slicing)


List Methods

Consider the following list:

L1 = [18722115]


1.     sort() – updates the list to [1,2,7,8,15,21]

2.     reverse() – updates the list to [15,21,2,7,8,1]

3.     append(8) – adds 8 at the end of the list

4.     insert(3,8) – This will add 8 at 3 index

5.     pop(2) – It will delete the element at index 2 and return its value

6.     remove(21) – It will remove 21 from the last

Tuples in Python:

A tuple is an immutable (can’t change or modified) data type in Python.

a = ()              #It is an example of empty tuple


a = (1,)           #Tuple with only one element needs a comma


a = (172)   #Tuple with more than one element


Once defined, tuple elements can’t be manipulated or altered.

Tuple methods:

Consider the following tuple,

a = (172)


1.     count(1) – It will return the number of times 1 occurs in a.

2.     index(1) – It will return the index of the first occurrence of 1 in a.

Chapter 4 – Practice Set

1.     Write a program to store seven fruits in a list entered by the user.

2.     Write a program to accept the marks of 6 students and display them in a sorted manner.

3.     Check that a tuple cannot be changed in Python.

4.     Write a program to sum a list with 4 numbers.

5.     Write a program to count the number of zeros in the following tuple:

a = (708009)
